Friday, 23 January 2015


I have a tendency to justify everything.
Like when I told someone I don't eat beef and immediately followed it with "It's not that I am religious. I just don't like cows. They"
Like when someone points out an eccentricity of mine and I begin psychoanalyzing my behavior in front of them till the awkward silence tells me to stop.
Like now.
By all means I shouldn't have to justify writing a blog but knowing myself, I still will.
I will make excuses saying that a blog is the best way for me to document my work and preferably motivate me to work in the first place. It is just a way for me to put out my amateur explorations of art in the world.
I may also then reveal that sometimes, I write. I think too much and then weave those thoughts into rhyme and in moments of utter irrationality like this, delude myself into thinking that they are worthwhile to be seen. You see, I am the closeted poet.
I am not going to pretend I think my words may mean something to people other than me, but hiding them still feels like a loss.
Thus. This.

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