Monday, 27 July 2015


The first time I heard the word Feminazi
It was just another American stereotype
In this new world of understanding gender equality
Which would soon become my survival guide.
But the first time I felt like a Feminazi
Was when I asked to include sexist statements like "Make me a sandwich"
In a college discussion about gender inequality
My eyes filled with excitement to contribute a point
Only to be met by genuinely fearful eyes
And an expression which said "I know people like you, you are looking to cut my dick off"
As though someone my size with a soft voice
Had suddenly turned into an unstable extremist
Just like saying the word "feminist"
Is sometimes like pulling the pin of a grenade
The overwhelming silence that follows is the one I live in fear of
Even though I know the explosion will never arrive.
Feminists themselves don't know what feminism means.
Said the loud girl, unafraid to speak, like I wish I had been
Because suddenly identifying as one
Became an examination. I had to learn
To memorize the dictionary definition of feminism. Reaffirm
Every single time that I believed in the equality of sexes
Not the superiority of one.
Unlike random so called feminazis whose words you dig out of the depths of Tumblr to invalidate mine.
Whose hashtags #men are pigs #men are dogs
Travel miles across and translate into a hashtag for me #Feminazi
And I feel its weight on my tongue every time I begin to speak
About feminism oh no wait simply gender equality.
Because let's face it, those 140 characters or less are seen only in context of their hashtag
And I am afraid of the one you put on me.
As every facebook comment and comments said to my face
Are like adding limbs to my Hangman
Till my I run out of letters to form my opinion
And the courage to say them.
I know that there are serious issues like foeticide and wage gaps that I cannot change
And pointing out sexist comments maybe seem like an insignificant unnecessary exchange
But when I said I was a feminist I did mean I was an activist
I am not going to pretend I'm changing the world
I'm just trying to change the way I see the world
When she said "Thank God you're not a Feminazi"
Deciding whether it was a compliment or not was not easy
Because it felt less like a welcome and more like a warning
To not cross a certain invisible boundary
Except I had no idea where this line was drawn
And my fear to cross it accidentally keeps me within bounds
Rather than test my understanding and go beyond
By talking to people about it without the fear of someone attacking
The word Feminazi
Surrounds me in an invisible fog of doubt and insecurity
About my own identity.
You see I thought feminism was a learning process
And I was the imperfect student
But you have turned my school into a battlefield
Leaving me to hold up my defenses against you
Rather than accept your words as insight too.
I am guilty of being an extremist in my vulnerable moments
But make up for it daily, moderating my words and actions
I am the girl who will mentally apologise for objectifying a guy before silently admiring his fine ass
Who will never be found staring blatantly at a pretty girl for fear of labeling herself as a pervert,
Who feels conflicted about which compartment or seat to sit in not knowing if it is deserved
Who is afraid her period cramps will be seen as an unfair excuse
And not just another reason to use
To feel a little lazy throughout the day
Who will force herself to face trauma and not stereotype every man on the road as a potential rapist
I have an entire list
Of defences and apologies and excuses
That stick to my opinions as disclaimers and prologues
So that you don't see me as a hypersensitive extremist
Because feminism,like someone wise said, is a dialogue
We see the world through different filters
But if we exchanged perspectives for a moment
Imagine how many more dimensions we could add to our understanding
Just like the many facets of a diamond
All working to hold and reflect the same white light
To shine our way through this dimly lit maze
Of social constructs and systems we still live in these days
That maybe we can together change.


“In the middle of the night she came sobbing into mine,
and we made it up very gently. You see, she had
absolutely nowhere else to go.”
-Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov

See her at the edge. Yellow glowing in her eyes
Lighting fires in evil mind.
See her walk away. The world not under her care.
Not under her skirt. Skin bare
Her legs carried her far away from home.
She was the mad woman. Proud in her insanity
She left. Calm. She read.
Trying to drown in the insanity of somewhere else.
Wait. She came home.
Sneaked in. Unwanted or not.
Blending into her shell.
She had stopped pretending she didn’t care.
She was the mad woman. She didn’t.
Trapped between the worlds she made.
She wanted to run away from home
Wait. She came home.
You see, she had absolutely nowhere else to go.